EOI Training Course
1- Introduction to Programming
2- IDEs & Codeforces Online Judge
3- Program Structure
Advice: Don't start the next Part before getting the full scores in all the practice tasks. If you failed to get the right answer, Visit the Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics Discussion Group. Post your question and wait for the hint from your old colleagues.
9- Arithmetic Operators
10- Comments & Practice
11- Assignment on Operators
12- Code Tracing Example
13- Practice
Advice: Don't start the next Part before getting the full scores in all the practice tasks. If you failed to get the right answer, Visit the Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics Discussion Group. Post your question and wait for the hint from your old colleagues.
14 - Comparison Operators
15- Conditions (Part 1)
16- Conditions (Part 2)
17- Practice 2
18 - Logical Operators
19- Combining Conditions
20- Nested If Conditions
Advice: Don't start the next Part before getting the full scores in all the practice tasks. If you failed to get the right answer, Visit the Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics Discussion Group. Post your question and wait for the hint from your old colleagues.
21- Introduction to Loops
22- For Loop
23- While Loop
24- Do While Loop
25- Practice 3
26- Infinite Loops
27- Break & Continue
28- Practice 4
29- Nested Loops
30- Practice 5 Nested Loops
31- Scopes
Advice: Don't start the next Part before getting the full scores in all the practice tasks. If you failed to get the right answer, Visit the Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics Discussion Group. Post your question and wait for the hint from your old colleagues.
4- Datatypes
5- Variables (Part 1)
6- Variables (Part 2)
7- Variables (Part 3)
8- Getting Input (cin)
Advice: Don't start the next Part before getting the full scores in all the practice tasks. If you failed to get the right answer, Visit the Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics Discussion Group. Post your question and wait for the hint from your old colleagues.
32- Introduction to Arrays
33- Arrays (Part 1)
34- Practice 5 (Find Minimum in Array)
Advice: Don't start the next Part before getting the full scores in all the practice tasks. If you failed to get the right answer, Visit the Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics Discussion Group. Post your question and wait for the hint from your old colleagues.
35- Arrays of Characters & Practice
36- Bubble Sort
37- Built-in Functions
38- Multidimensional Arrays
(2D Arrays)
39- Practice 6 (Even & Odd in Matrix)
37- Built-in Functions
41- Frequency Array
42- Prefix Sum
40- Binary Search
43- Data Structure & STLs
44- Vector & Practice 7
45- Stack
Advice: Don't start the next Part before getting the full scores in all the practice tasks. If you failed to get the right answer, Visit the Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics Discussion Group. Post your question and wait for the hint from your old colleagues.